7 Ways to Spend World Health Day

April 7th is World Health Day, and although chiseled abs and toned arms may come to mind, let us remember that health is multifaceted. Health encompasses your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Listed below are seven ways (seven ways for the 7th of April) for you to embrace your mental, physical, and emotional health. These suggestions are simple, accessible to everyone, and life-changing when applied consistently. Consider choosing one per day or get gutsy and pick several. Cheers to more life!

1. Stand.
Life’s tasks and many of our jobs include sitting for long periods. Today, take a stand (literally!) Move around and re-charge your body.
Life’s tasks and many of our jobs include sitting for long periods. Today, take a stand (literally!) Move around and re-charge your body.
2. Take a Walk.
Take a Walk.
Twenty minutes. Commit to 20 minutes. Feel the sun on your face or the breeze in your hair. Awaken your senses and boost your serotonin.
3. Decrease your sugar.
Refined sugar (although delicious) can increase your risk of diabetes. Today, opt for natural sugar (like a piece of fruit) instead of store-bought sweets.
4. Tap into Your Creative Side.
Diving into your creative side is a great way to destress! Whether it’s painting, dancing, or writing poetry, find something you like doing (don’t worry about perfection) and enjoy it.
5. Be Intentional.
Wake up and set your intentions for the day. Spend a few minutes writing down or mentally noting your top goal for the day, big or small. This is a great way to add purpose to your life.
6. Show Gratitude.
Reduce your stress by giving thanks for the good in your life. Verbalizing or writing down what you are grateful for helps to rid your mind of negative thoughts and wash your spirit of anxiety.
7. Stay Hydrated.
When your body is properly hydrated, it feels its best and operates at its best. From the moment you wake up until you go to bed each night, drink water! Refill your cup and rehydrate your body.